“The piercing Karamoja iron sheets” saga, minister Kasaija foresees resigning

Karamoja iron sheets” saga, minister Kasaija foresees resigning

News coming in indicate that the Minister of Finance Matia Kasaija is weighing on stepping down over the Karamoja iron sheet scandal.

The 78 year old minister has been exploring options outside the Museveni administration ever since president took a firm stand against those implicated in the saga.

The minister seems to have yielded and allowed to capsize in the shallow waters caused by the 300 pieces of iron sheets that till today claims were unsolicited for on his side.

It’s also understood that in what seems to be his last throw of the dice , the minister took all Thursday engaging in negotiations with the prime minister who is also the leader of government business before reaching out to the president.

Sources claim that the minister was part of the meeting of other government officials together with president Museveni at Nakasero State House.

However sources claim that after the meeting the minister side bared the president and according to the sources, the outcome of the meeting wasn’t pleasing to Kasaija as Museveni insisted on him walking out of the cabinet while he still has a chance.

It’s still however not yet clear whether the proposal for resignation was made by president or initiated by Matia Kasaija himself but those close to the minister say the ever confident minister has been deflated like a balloon over the last few days , specifically worried and his days are nigh.

However Kasaija’s name has been coming up the list as fellow ministers got their dose and a source in security pricy to the matter told our media that he was meant to be picked the same day his comrade Lugoloobi was netted.

It has taken the president’s stand in cabinet and consequent decree through the prime minster for Kasaija to understand that the matter would not be a talk your way through situation which later prompted him to deliver the iron sheets back to the OPM which labeled evidence on arrival and the dogs were let out of him.

However when we tried contacting the minister for phone interview on Thursday evening he told us”its all trash …” briefly.