Over 1.5b city abattoir cash stolen monthly, says report

Over 1.5b city abattoir cash stolen monthly, says report

Following a detailed intelligence briefing to President Museveni indicated that the monthly Shs 1.5billion revenue which is collected from the city abattoir every month is not remitted to the coffers of the Kampala Capital City Authority.

In a brief statement the ministry of Kampala Capital City and Metropolitan Affairs and others from the directorate of the Internal Security Organisation stated that the money ends up in pockets of some top officials.

The city abattoir which is located in the industrial area is one of the biggest animal slaughter premises in Uganda which is used by more than 3000 people daily including people with butchery section, restaurants and mobile money section, vendors and stationery.

The Executive Director of Kampala Capital City Authority Ms Dorothy Kisaka agreed with the results from the investigators finding’s saying KCCA has never received a penny as revenue from the market.

She further addressed to our media that they were in their final stage to process the implementation of the presidential directive and taking over these markets.

Meanwhile this media understands that the chairperson of the Kampala District Land Board Mr Balondemu David and his team have intervened in the matter in accordance with the presidential directive on city markets.

Last year the president had instructed KCCA to take over city markets.

Mr Balondemu on being contacted said he was aware of the problem at the city Abattoir including the leadership crisis and accountability concerns.

He further promised to study that matter and later liaise with the KCCA boss to have all the issues resolved.

“The people managing the abattoir must account for all the revenue collected from the vendors we resolve all the sticking issues in that facility,” Balondemu said.

Meanwhile the president’s directive comes nearly a year after Mr Balondemu wrote to him seeking his direction after the commissioner of Lands Registration refused to cancel the market’s land title on the board’s orders.

The land title that was issued on October 14,2014 had resolved that the land title be reverted to KCCA as part of the president’s October 2018 order that all public markets be managed by the government as opposed to vendors.

In brief investigations it was pointed out that some individuals are reportedly managing the fees collection but are unknown to KCCA.

Consequently authorities are currently being charged 15,000 on each cow and Shs 3,000 from the goat as opposed to Shs 10,000 and Shs 2000 that was supposed to be charged respectively.

Meanwhile the Lord Mayor Elias Lukwago blamed the entire confusion on president Museveni whom he said has declined to sign the market bill,2021 which was aimed at streamlining the markets and abattoirs inclusive.