Members of Parliament urge government to safeguard AFCON tournament against corruption

Members of Parliament urge government to safeguard AFCON tournament against corruption

Members of Parliament (MPs) have called upon the government to take decisive measures in protecting the AFCON (Africa Cup of Nations) tournament against corruption.

The MPs are voicing their concerns about the potential risks of corruption that may undermine the integrity of this prestigious sporting event.

Legislators advised the ministry of Education and sports to ensure that all processes meant to enable Uganda deliver on the requirements lined up for successful hosting of the African cup of Nations are insulated from corruption tendencies.

During parliamentary proceedings, MPs emphasized the need for the government to prioritize transparency and accountability in all aspects of organizing and hosting the AFCON tournament.

Shadow minister for sports Mr Geoffrey Kayemba Ssolo ( Bukomansimbi South MP) referred his colleagues in plenary to corruption tendencies that were allegedly witnessed in 2007 when Uganda hosted the commonwealth Heads of Government meeting ( CHOGM)

“We don’t want to get into a situation like we had with CHOGM.I want the thieves to stay away from the preparations for the AFCON,” Mr Kayemba said.

In supportive tone legislators highlighted the importance of ensuring that resources allocated for the event are utilized efficiently and effectively, without any misappropriation or fraudulent activities.

Corruption poses a significant threat to the reputation of the AFCON tournament and can have far-reaching consequences. It not only undermines the principles of fair play and sportsmanship but also erodes public trust and confidence in the integrity of the competition.

The Members of Parliament are urging the government to implement robust anti-corruption measures, including stringent financial controls, thorough procurement processes, and effective monitoring mechanisms.

Buyaga West MP Mr Barnabas Tinkasimire advised government to line up a plan that will shield the country from the negative publicity that may arise during the AFCON period.

Furthermore, the MPs advocated for the establishment of an independent oversight body to ensure transparency and accountability throughout the entire planning and execution of the AFCON tournament.

This oversight body would be responsible for conducting regular audits, investigating any reported cases of corruption, and imposing appropriate sanctions on individuals or entities found guilty of corrupt practices.

The government’s commitment to combating corruption in the context of the AFCON tournament is crucial. It not only demonstrates a dedication to upholding ethical standards in sports but also sets an example for future sporting events hosted by the country.

By shielding the AFCON tournament against corruption, the government can help maintain the tournament’s integrity, promote a level playing field for participating teams, and enhance the overall experience for fans and supporters.

The collective effort of the government, MPs, and relevant stakeholders is essential in ensuring that the AFCON tournament remains a symbol of sporting excellence and fair competition. By taking proactive measures to prevent and address corruption, the government can contribute to a successful and memorable tournament that brings pride and unity to the nation.