Following an incident that occurred on May 4 2023 at Nasuna cell in Kiboga town council were a mother of two, Rahuma Nakunda allegedly positioned herself and her two children following a misunderstanding with her husband and mother in law, police are yet investigating the circumstances under which the incident occurred.
According to Kawala Racheal the regional police spokesperson in Wamala region told our media that Rahuma Nakunda is alleged to have poisoned herself and her two children Hanifah Nassiwa (6)a pupil of Good Morals Nusery School and Sadick Lubulwa (4) and were rushed together with their mother to Kiboga hospital for treatment though unfortunately Nassiwa passed away on May 5, 2023 at about 6:00 am.
Kawala explained that the incident began when Nakunda developed misunderstandings with her husband unidentified as Musis after he suspected her of being in love with another man who has impregnated her.
Nassiwa alleged that Musis took the matter to his mother Harriet Natiba who later reported the matter to police’s family and children protection unit in Kiboga.
Meanwhile Nakunda was summoned for a meeting but was shocked when she met the mother of her new lover also in attendance yet she had allegedly lied about her real husband.
Following the police investigations , fearing further embarrassment Nakunda skipped the meeting under the disguise of going to a nearby shop to buy drinks for her children who she said were hungry but never returned.
Meanwhile it was alleged that she bought some sodas and poison which she allegedly mixed in the drinks locked herself and the children inside her house and drunk.
Kawala added that after waiting in vain for Nakunda to show up Musis sent his sibling to check on her from home but he later informed them that she had locked herself inside the house.
Meanwhile Musis tipped on the council leaders who later broke down the house door only to find the three in critical condition.
The police picked some exhibits from the scene and were still waiting for Nakunda to recover before being charged.
However the case has been recorded as ”murder by poisoning” following the post mortem examination carried out in Nassiwa’s body before being handed over to the relatives for burial as investigation continue.